MSI creates innovative solutions in the design, application, and execution of medical simulation. MSI writes new, fascinating cases, creates programming that aligns to standards, and develops operational solutions. Additionally, MSI develops new simulators, and adapts existing simulators in innovative ways. In turn, this innovation leads to new designs, innovations, applications, and reputation.

MSI has collaborated with departments across MetroHealth to develop process-based simulations. Recent collaborations include Hospital in the Home, and a collaboration with the opening of the new Behavioral Health expansion at the Cleveland Heights Medical Center.

MSI staff develop and support procedures such as suturing, pericardiocentesis, LP, Stop the Bleed, and other task training needs.

MSI staff applies creative thinking to problem solve new processes in response to or in preparation of a crisis such as Ebola containment, COVID challenges, mass shootings, and EMS responses.


Support process development and deployment


Support faculty development and academic productivity